Fantasy · Young Adult

A Wrinkle in Time

I am not usually one for rereads (unless it’s Harry Potter) because there are just so many books I want to read and I always have a hard time talking myself into reading something again instead of reading something new. However, with the new movie (here’s the trailer, if you haven’t seen it yet) coming out for this book so soon (a movie with rockstar women and feminist icons in most of the major roles, including the director herself – can I just say how much I cannot wait), I felt like maybe it was deserving of a refresher. Plus, it’s pretty much a “read in one sitting” sort of book. And I realized that, since the last time I read it was years and years ago, I realized I have no sort of review written for it at all. And for a book that I loved so much as a child, that seemed a bit criminal.

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle 


“A book, too, can be a star, ‘explosive material, capable of stirring up fresh life endlessly,’ a living fire to lighten the darkness, leading out into the expanding universe.” (from L’Engle’s 1963 Newberry Medal acceptance speech)

Meg is a bit different… She’s a freshman in high school and incredibly smart, but she’s floundering. She doesn’t really like how she looks, her father has disappeared (while doing some important work for the government, but that’s not what people are saying), her youngest brother, Charles Wallace, is seen as a little slow (even though he’s just a special/new kind of genius), and though her mother is trying to stay strong, Meg can see the toll things are taking on her. So Meg’s grades start to suffer, her anger and impatience are causing her to act out in school, and she just feels like she doesn’t fit in anywhere. One night a visitor drops by and everything changes. Meg, Charles Wallace and Calvin (a boy from school a few years older than Meg and somehow “called” to meet them) are sent on an adventure through space and time to save Meg’s father. Helped along the way by some special characters, Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Which, it turns out that they, with their peculiar talents, might be the only thing that can prevent the spread of an evil darkness across the universe.

This is such a fast and absorbing read. Like I said, pretty much a single sitting is all it takes. But it’s fantastic and whimsical and sweet and everything you could want from a middle grade adventure. In rereading it now, I can so easily see why it was one of my childhood favorites and how it’s stayed a classic. Meg is a wonderful heroine. She’s flawed and imperfect, and even though sometimes those flaws are harmful, she learns that sometimes they can also benefit her. Charles Wallace teaches us that pride can be dangerous, but if you allow them, your friends and family can help guide you and use it for good. And Calvin shows us that not everything is how it seems – that people who, on the outside, look like they fit in, are perhaps just as lost inside. All three together go through a transformation throughout the book that will resonate with every young child everywhere: no matter who you are, you feel like something about you is too different. But in the end, maybe those differences are ok. They make us who we are and what would be the point of living if we were all exactly alike?

There are some things that now, reading as an adult, I could take issue with. I think that Meg is written very immaturely for a high schooler, especially when considered in comparison with Charles Wallace’s youthful precociousness. The references to God are very overt and, for me, frustrating – I dislike the concept of light/goodness always having to be promoted in conjunction with some sort of holy power. And there are some pacing and dialogue moments that seem to simplistic or childish, even for a YA/middle grade novel like this. However, all that is easily overlooked when I think about the power of good this book has brought to me and so many others. And the nostalgia in reading it for sure makes any downsides worth it. Plus, there is so much more that I love. Calvin and Meg are adorable. Charles Wallace is the best younger brother character (and I’m a sucked for a well written younger brother, having two myself). Meg’s parents are a great mix of nerdy and sweet. The 3 “witches” are still some of my favorite characters of all time, with their little quirks and eccentricities. I would, still, give anything to have them pop up in my life from time to time. And the story itself is just a phenomenal and extraordinary adventure about the power of light, goodness, love and family (no matter what that family looks like).

Straight up, this book is every young girl’s fantasy. The chance to step up and save the day, even when you are afraid, not sure that you can, and are convinced that there is nothing special enough about you that makes you the right choice. It’s the [mostly] hidden need that we all have to be the hero, the one who has what it takes. And it’s so important that the strength needed here, for everyone, to overcome the darkness comes from inside, a strength that is not physical, but emotional. It’s this kind of strength that we are all so sorely lacking today, and as the darkness starts to overcome the world we are living in, it will take heroines like Meg to find the light inside them and spread it back into the world. The message here is universal and timeless, and despite this being a children’s book, it’s a message we all should embrace and share.


15 thoughts on “A Wrinkle in Time

  1. So I’m currently reading it (with a few other books) and I’m having a slump here, because for some reason I just can’t get into it properly, and I agree with what you stated for the God references and character development

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can definitely see that – I think if I hadn’t been such a fan of it as a child, I maybe would have had a harder time getting into it as a reread. As I mentioned, some things definitely struck me the wrong way (like the religious references). But the overall themes, like the power of light/love over darkness/evil and the importance of our individuality/the things that make us different, are super important and will/do hit home for youth (and for me, looking back). So there’s a lot of good there, you know? It doesn’t hurt that it’s a short book, as well. Honestly though, at base, I am mostly excited to see what the movie is able to do, with it’s awesome cast/staff and the importance of the themes in view of the world we live in today.

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      1. Honestly, because it’s so short, and because a lot of the big themes come out/together at the end, I’d be inclined to say go for it. But I also recommend trying to read it through the eyes of you as a child and not who you are now…cause otherwise I would definitely say you’ll feel like it wasn’t worth a finish.

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  2. Wonderfully written review! I had no idea a movie was coming out of the story. The book has been sitting on my shelf for years and I always tell myself I’ll read it next but something else always catches my eye first. I’ll definitely be getting to it now though 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am so excited about the movie – it has such promise with the diversity and woman strength that it’s promoting/sharing. Plus, the themes of the book are really important, I think, in view of the world today. I’m hoping it is one of those movies that will really make a difference!

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  3. One of my favourites as a kid, although Meg is annoying. I didn’t care for how supporting-role her character got in the later books, though. I mean there’s nothing wrong with being a housewife, except that in those times it amounted to a political statement – a regressive one – to make her so.

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    1. I kind of like that Meg is flawed in the same way most of us are at that age…it made it easier for me, at least, to really relate to her. However, I do think she was a little less mature than she could have been. As far as moving forwards in the books, I have to tell the truth: I never read past this first one. 🙈 However if that’s the direction things went, I’m glad I stopped where I did. That’s very frustrating and absolutely not the ending that I want to imagine Meg having.

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  4. I do agree with many of the points you’ve made. I didn’t read A Wrinkle in Time until my college years. And maybe that’s the reason, but I found the sentences/wording to be really simplistic, even for a middle-grade book. At times, I really wasn’t able to understand Meg; but, I think the moral/theme of goodness was very captivating. I might need to re-read the book and see if I’ll have a different/new take on it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I imagine it wouldn’t be too different, since you first read it as an adult. I think the biggest things that stuck out to me were differences from reading as a child versus reading as an adult. But who knows! If you end up reading it again, I’d love to hear if you get any new impressions.

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  5. I really loved this book. Each character was really appealing and left me needing to know more about them. One of the best books I have actually ever read. I likewise suggest to read STEPHANIE Carrol . Thanks PS: I like your blog.

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