ALC · ARC · Fantasy · Romance

The Emperor and the Endless Palace

I got this book early from everywhere ( and NetGalley). I was so hype for this book and so appreciative of all the formats I had access to. I used them all while reading and loved every second of the novel and the overall experience.  The Emperor and the Endless Palace by Justinian Huang "What if I told you,… Continue reading The Emperor and the Endless Palace

Contemporary Literature


This is an older backlist read, but one that I have seen lots of positive reviews for it over the years. I've been back and forth on deciding whether or not to read it, if the blurb made it seem like I'd be interested in it, or not. After all the hemming and hawing, I finally felt… Continue reading Chemistry

ARC · Contemporary Literature · Mystery/Thriller

Portrait of a Thief

I, like many (I am sure), do love a heist movie. There is something so satisfyingly escapist about them and I revisit classics like Ocean's 11 and The Italian Job any time I'm looking for a comfort watch. Plus, I am a *huge* fan of the entire Fast and Furious franchise, #sorrynotsorry. (Which, after reading the Acknowledgements, it seems I have that… Continue reading Portrait of a Thief